Monday, March 25, 2013

Hello everyone!

This week, was pretty awesome, in sacrament meeting there were 3 confirmations, I had the privelage to confirm Juanita a member of the church, it was pretty awesome!! Also, me and my new com panion are working really hard, there have been lots of miracles tha we have seen this week when we have been in the right place at the right time, to contact someone right when they were about to leave, it has been pretty awesome.

Also this week, we visited a less active member he is so excited to listen to us and to learn more about the gospel, and english(I´m teaching him english using the gospel, it´s pretty awesome) his name is RAul, and he really likes the church, it´s just a little difficult sometimes because he lives with his dad, and his dad is less active, but doesnt want to go, so it´s tough, but we´re working with him,. and he really wants to serve a mission, he is 20 years old, so we´re working with him.

I also learned what a big difference a new companion can make, me and my new companion are working together, with my other companion we didn´t really work together, we just worked seperately, together haha, but this time we are working together together, and it ismaking a big difference, the people are noticing and they are excited to listen to the word.

Also, this sunday, my companion and I had the oppurtunity to talk in Sacrament meeting, it was pretty great, I really felt the spirt preparing my talk, and some members told me it was great talk, I talked about how we can explain the feelings of the spirt to others who haven´t experienced the spirit before, and also about how sweet the gospel is, like a mango, and that we have to share it, it was a good talk, and things went pretty good.

I´m so excited for conference, and I hope that you guys are also, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, I am ready to keep working hard, thanks , hasta luego,

Elder Limb

Monday, March 18, 2013

Well, another week has passed by, and this week, was filled with water(three baptisms haha) it was awesome. The names of the people baptized were Juanita, with juanita, it was a miracle, she has so much faith, evern though now her exhusband isn´t going to give her money because she was baprized, she has faith that it will al lwork out, that the Lord will provide a way for her to have money and ot keep paying tithing, she is the older lady in the photo, and she is so excited to be a member of the church.

The younger lady is Karina, her twin sister was baptized a year ago, the first day when I arrived here in the area of REforma, she sent us a message to work with her, she was showing her faith, and so we worked with her, and she said that she has seen so many other missionaries but has never felt the need to be baptized like her sister, but now she does, and she was baptized, by me, it was a privelage and even though the water was cold, the spirit was warm.

The little boy is Josué, his family are all members, and he should have been baptized when he was 8, but his family was inactive, so we reactivated him, and his brother was able to baptize him, he is 9 years old. Also, this week, we saw a member less active,, his name is RAul, he hasn´t gone to church in two years, so we met with him, and after one visit, he decided to come to church, and I could see a change in his appearance, he really is ready to move forward in the gospel, he is 20 years old, and although he has to make some changes, it would be really cool if he could go on a mission.

My new companion is Elder Escamilla, I will meet him tomorrow, my companion that I have now, Elder Escobedo, will actually be going to my old area, Nativitas, so I´m excited for him, this month has gone by so fast, i can´t believe how fast it has gone by. There is a lot of work to do here in REforma, this ward has a lot of less active members, but they are our brothers and sisters, we are all children of God, so we are working with them to help them to return back to the church and participate in the blessings of the Sacrament.

And yeah, I am so excited for General conference in 2 weeks, what a grand oppurtunity and privelage it is to hear a prophet of God speak, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, I hope everything back home is going well, I love being a missionary, and I have a lot that I have to learn and improve, but this week, is going to be great. Thanks for everything, hasta luego, until next week,

Elder Limb- a.k.a the dominator, me and my new companion are going to dominate this next transfer, look forward to some miracles in the next coming weeks, I´m ready to work, and the field is white and ready to harvest. that´s all.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

One more week is in the books, this week was pretty good, I have learned a lot this week, and I am excited to progress the work in the area of REforma. This week, I will give a day by day update on how it went since the last time I wrote, starting with Tuesday

Tuesday February 26, today I had intercambios or exchanges with my district leader, we went on some visits and it was cool, because we were with a member, and we checked the first house of our appointment, and she wasn´t home, so this member told us to check another, and another, and another, and another, then we finally found someone to teach with this member, she showed me an example of dilligence, never give up, Heavenly FAther will help us to find people to share the gospel with.

WEdnesday FEbruary 27, today was the district meeting, and I learned more about working with members and stuff, and how to find new investigator sto teach, nothing very significant happend today

Thursday FEbruary 28 Today, we walked alot, but found some less active members to teach, and we visited Karina, who will be baptized MArch 17th, it was exciting to see her progress and to hear her offer her prayer, because I could feel that she is so excited to be baptized and to accept the gospel, she has rfeally changed her life, and I know that the gospel can change the lives of everyone who listens to it and applies it in their lives

Friday MArch 1, exactly one year ago, I received my mission call(feb29 2012) time has flown by, and I almost will complete 8 months in the mission.

SAturday, MArch 2, today, I had the oppurtunity to give a blessing to an investigator, who wants to be baptized, but has to get married first, she is living with her "partner" and they are not married, but he is a less active member, and they are going to be married the end of this month, it was an awesome oppurtunity to feel the power of the priesthood in action, because I could feel it when I was giving her the blessing, she had the faith to ask for one, and is excited to continue to learn more and to prepare to be baptized after she is married with her "partner"

Sunday, MArch 3, today was a greaty Sunday, our 3 investigators who will be baptized MArch 17th, were all in the church, Juanita, Karina, and Josue, they are all so excited to be baptized, and things are going great with them, it is so cool to see their progress.

Well, that is about all for this week, I am excited to keep working hard, and I hope to be able to see more miracles here in the area of REforma, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, that is all,

Hasta Luego, Elder Limb